Starting theme version WpResidence v 4.11 – If you want to create a new header using Elementor Pro or want to add new extra buttons/links that trigger the login/register modals you can follow these steps. Edit the page in Elementor – and add a new button or link Edit the button in Elementor If you […]
Login & Register
In WpResidence the Login & Register forms are displayed as: Modal when User login menu option is enabled from Theme Options > General > Header. On modal is also displayed an image and a message that are setup on Theme Options > Design > Header Design & Colors. Mobile Login & Register form Shortcode inside page when is used Login & Register shortcode Login […]
How to change the login icon on mobile.
The user icon from mobile can be replaced with another Fontawesome icon with custom css. The css is the existing custom css for the icon. .fa-cogs:before { content: “\f085”!important; } Replace the icon code f085 with the new one from Since Redux framework cannot save the \ from the css, the new css […]
Core Plugin deactivates when another theme, different than WpResidence is activated
This function was automatically disabled in code starting theme version 3.7. Help to update the theme – There is a function that protects the core plugin and de-activates automatically so that there are no errors from using the plugin with other themes. The code can be removed via FTP in plugins/wpresidence-core/wpresidence-core.php Delete the entire […]
How to copy VP bakery shortcode to a new page
If you need to copy one section or all shortcodes from a current page to a new one, please follow the steps from the below video: Sometimes, demo pages might break and details like header cannot be changed as the change does not save. In this case, you need to create the page again. […]
FAQ: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered
If you see this message Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /usr/www/users/realeaexqs/wp-content/plugins/wpresidence-core/wpresidence-core.php on line 244 Check you have set the correct number value for custom fields position
Why images are not resized
In order to get images resized in site must make sure that GD Library is installed on the server. To check if this library exists in your server install WordPress phpinfo() plugin: In order to install it must contact the server provider and ask for help.
How to add custom CSS
You may wish to modify some design elements and that may require using a custom css. You can add custom css in Theme Options > Design > Custom CSS. The modifications you do here are NOT overwritten when you do a theme update. If Minify css option is enabled each time you make changes with CSS, you will […]
Where are properties stored in WordPress database
All the property info is kept in wp_post table in your wordpress database. Additional information is also kept in wp_postmeta table. You can check the whole database structure (we are using wordpress default database and do not add new tables) here:
How to remove the hover effect from property unit card
Use this css to remove the hover effect from the image (zoom-in): .agent-unit-img-wrapper:hover img, .widget_latest_internal:hover img, .featured_widget_image:hover img, .property_listing:hover .listing-unit-img-wrapper img, .property_listing:hover .property_unit_custom_element.image img { opacity: 0.8; transform: scale(1); -moz-transform: scale(1); -webkit-transform: scale(1); -o-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1); -ms-filter: “progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=1.1, M12=0, M21=0, M22=1.1, SizingMethod=’auto expand’)”; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=1.1, M12=0, M21=0, M22=1.1, SizingMethod=’auto expand’); } .featured_property.featured_property_type1:hover .carousel-inner, .featured_property.featured_property_type2:hover […]
How to hide the option “open in google maps” from property page
To hide this option use the following css in theme options custom css area or in child theme style.css .acc_google_maps { display: none; } Help article about how to add custom CSS Tip: If you have theme cache enabled, make sure you clear cache to see instant results.
How to remove Advanced Search from single blog post / property
To remove the advanced search globally from the property pages navigate to Theme options > Search > Advanced Search Display and set NO to Show Advanced Search in Property Page option. To remove the advanced search from blog posts use the below custom CSS: .single-post #search_wrapper, .single-post #adv-search-header-mobile{ display: none!important; } Help article about how […]
How to remove Google Places from the map.
Use this css in Theme Options > Design > Custom CSS css or directly in child theme style.css .google_map_poi_marker { display: none!important; } Help article about how to add custom CSS The CSS removes the elements highlighted below: Related help Technical: Google Points of Interest on Single Property Map
How to add a MailChimp form
Step1: Install MailChimp for WordPress plugin from plugins – Add New Step2: Connect the plugin to your Mailchimp account – Step3: Create your lists in MailChimp Account Create a form and select the list Edit the form to match the demo. We use this form html for our form from demo Click to […]
How to remove recurring option with css from user dashboard
#pack_recuring { display: none!important; } [for=”pack_recurring”] { display: none; } [id=”pack_recurring”] { display: none; } Help article about how to add custom CSS
How to add TEXT instead of Price
Use the before price label to add a text you wish to show instead of price and do not fill in the price field value. The label can be added using this field.
Export – Import properties from a different WordPress theme
Any real estate theme we have seen uses different fields and/or different field names. So to export/import you need 2 tools: a. Export database from your current theme to xml or cvs —> We know about this plugin – which can export custom post types and custom fields. b. Import database from XML/CVS to WP […]
Keep “More Options” open by default
Custom css to keep “more options” always open when selecting search type 1 .extended_search_check_wrapper { display: block !important; } Help article about how to add custom CSS Results are shown in this picture
Hide elements from the filters in PROPERTIES LIST template with CSS
To elements from the filters you must add the below custom CSS in Theme Options > Design > Custom CSS. Remove Types .dropdown.listing_filter_select.filter_action_category { display: none; } Remove Categories .dropdown.listing_filter_select.filter_category { display: none; } Remove States .dropdown.listing_filter_select.filter_county { display: none; } Remove Cities .dropdown.listing_filter_select.filter_city { display: none; } Remove Areas .dropdown.listing_filter_select.filter_area { display: none; } […]
How to change mobile header height and logo size
To increase header height use this css code into theme options -> design -> custom css code .(or add in your style.css ) .mobile_header { height: 70px; } Change “70” value in the code with your own value. To increase mobile logo height use this css .mobile-logo img{ max-height: 70px; } Change “70” value in […]
Disable Login & Register / Don’t allow users to register on the site
In order to not allow to users to register on the site follow the below steps: Step1: Navigate to Admin Dashboard > Settings > General and un-check Anyone can register option. Step2: Disable login from the theme Navigate to Theme Options > General > Header and set NO to Show user login menu in header ? option:
Change “No Reply” and Sender Email
Starting 4.7 theme version, you can change the sender email from Theme Options-Email Management-Emails Settings BEFORE 4.7 theme version WP Residence default notifications will include a default Name (No Reply) and a default sender email ( To change these 2 elements, you can: Use a plugin called CB Change Mail Sender Install the plugin – Edit […]
Database query- How the theme works
When doing searches or any other database related requests we are always using the wordpress api. – more exaxctly the wp api instruction called wp_query… We are NOT using our custom SELECT’s or any other manual query to the sql database. This is the best practice when writing WordPress themes and themeforest will not even […]
Image is not showing on Safari browser.
Safari browser is sensitive to the images that contain special characters like ” or ç. This is related to a safari limitation. Only ASCII characters are allowed in URLs in Safari – IOS, and that does not include accented characters. Because of this limitation, if an image has accented characters in url, it will not load it. Solution: […]
Facebook Share doesn’t share image or text. What to do.
On some servers Facebook cannot access the info from a property from first share attempt. This is related to Facebook not being able to get the data from your server. How to verify this applies for your situation. Go to If you use Open Graph Object Debugger you will see an error message like this: Error parsing […]
Which are the theme default fields for a property
In the theme, there are some property details that are default. 1. Location fields displayed on the Listing location section when creating a property from front end or from admin Front end: Admin: 2. Listing details: size, lot size, rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms Front end: Admin: You can manage the submission fields from Theme […]
Too many database queries – What does it mean and how to solve
Make sure you have the pins uploaded in Theme Options > Map > Pin Management. Theme default pins are offered in the theme pack in .png format. You can edit these images with programs such as Fireworks. Important: When you edit/add default categories and actions, you’ll need to upload new Pins even if you don’t use […]
How to add a new font (that it is not in Google Fonts)
You can add a new font with wordpress plugins. A possible plugin is Add a new font through code In order to add a font that does not come with the theme, you need to install the font first. 1 copy the font files in the theme root (where is style.css) 2. In style.css stylesheet […]
How to remove Favorites option
In order to remove Favorite, you need to follow the below steps: Step1: Delete Favorite page so the Favorites no longer appear in User Dashboard: Step2: Remove Heart icon from property Unit. Use the below custom CSS: .icon-fav-off, .icon-fav-on { display: none; } Step3: Remove the add to favorites from Property Page Use the below […]
Google Maps Zoom in Advanced Search Results page, Properties List page and Taxonomy page.
The following comment applies to any from the following list: advanced search results page map, properties list custom template map, property taxonomies pages map When Google Maps are set as header option, the map pins and properties in the list are in sync. For this feature, the map will change the zoom automatically to display all […]
Google PageSpeed Insights Reports
There are certain recommendations from Google Page Insight Speed reports that are not possible to be handled from code (and this applies to any website that offers you services like Google Maps, IDX support, and so on). When you have a theme with third-part JS (Rev Slider, Google Maps) the Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS […]
How to add video background
This feature comes in 2 of the included plugins: Revolution Slider and Ultimate Addons. Revolution slider help And Ultimate addons demo and help
Why properties do not expire?
Theme offers 2 expiration features, both available only when MEMBERSHIP submission is enabled: paid membership packages with expiration date by package, or free listing submission with expiration in days for each published free listing. The following rules must be met for expiration cron to apply: 1. You test with a subscriber account (not admin). We […]
Technical: How to change agents order
How to change agents order on the agent list page Agents are listed by publish date. Most recent are listed first. Change publish date to change order. To change order in code and make agents go alphabetically, go to agents_list.php Instead of $args = array( ‘cache_results’ => false, ‘post_type’ => ‘estate_agent’, ‘paged’ => $paged, ‘posts_per_page’ […]
500 Internal server Error
The error message: Intrusivo 70 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) This error says two things: a. server responds with status 500 Please contact hosting to confirm what that means. b. JS error in wordpress files (wp-admin/admin-ajax) That is wordpress file and if wodpress errors […]