The “Lists Layout & Sidebar” section in the WpResidence theme options allows you to customize the layout, sorting order, and sidebar display for property category/taxonomy and blog category/archive lists. Below is a detailed breakdown of each option available:
No of Properties per Page in Property List Templates and Category/Taxonomy Lists
Define the number of properties displayed per page in property list templates and taxonomy/category lists.
Enter the desired number (e.g., 6).
Note: This value must match the setting in Settings > Reading to Blog pages show at most option.
Properties Default Order in Category/Taxonomy List Page
This option sets the default sorting order for properties displayed in taxonomy/category list pages.
Available Options:
- Default: Displays properties in the default order.
- Price High to Low: Sorts properties by price, from highest to lowest.
- Price Low to High: Sorts properties by price, from lowest to highest.
- Newest First: Shows the most recently added properties first.
- Oldest First: Displays the oldest properties first.
- Newest Edited: Displays properties with the most recent edits first.
- Oldest Edited: Shows properties with the oldest edits first.
- Bedrooms High to Low: Sorts properties based on the number of bedrooms, from most to least.
- Bedrooms Low to High: Sorts properties by the number of bedrooms, from least to most.
- Bathrooms High to Low: Orders properties by the number of bathrooms, from most to least.
- Bathrooms Low to High: Orders properties by the number of bathrooms, from least to most.
Layout Type for Property Category/Taxonomy List Pages
Choose the layout type for property category/taxonomy list pages.
Available Options:
- Standard: Displays properties in a standard layout.
- Half Map: Displays properties alongside a map (note: the half map layout does not support a sidebar).
Help article about how to setup the half map layout to taxonomies
Select Sidebar Position for Property Category/Taxonomy List with Standard Layout and Blog Category/Archive List
Define the position of the sidebar for standard property category/taxonomy lists and blog category/archive lists.
Available Options:
- No Sidebar: Displays the content in full width without a sidebar.
- Right: Places the sidebar on the right side of the page.
- Left: Places the sidebar on the left side of the page.
Property Category/Taxonomy and Blog Category/Archive – Select the Sidebar
Choose the specific sidebar to display for blog category/archive and property category/taxonomy list pages.
Select an existing sidebar from the dropdown menu or create a new one via Appearance > Widgets > Sidebars.
How to Save Changes
- Make the desired changes in the “Lists Layout & Sidebar” options.
- Click the Save Changes button at the top right to apply your updates.
- Use the Reset Section button to revert changes within this section, or Reset All to reset all theme settings.