If get this dotted border Go to EWWW Image Optimizer plugin settings Uncheck Resize Detection option from Resize tab and Save:
Included Plugins
Can I activate Revolution Slider to use their Premium Sliders?
I am afraid this is not possible. Below is an explanation why this happens. As authors who wish to offer Revolution Slider plugin included in our theme, we purchased an extended license from Revolution Slider (Theme Punch). This is a single license code that can be used only to offer the plugin Revolution Slider in our theme as […]
Can I activate Visual Composer to use their Template Directory?
I am afraid this is not possible. I will explain why. As authors who wish to offer Visual Composer plugin included in our theme, we purchased an extended license from Visual Composer. This is a single license code that can be used only to offer the plugin Visual Composer in our theme as included. The extended […]
How to install theme included plugins
Note: For the plugins you get with the theme you don’t need buyer license to use them. Since we have the extended license we give all our clients plugin updates through theme updates. There is only one license per purchase – so only we can use this license to get the updates and then share […]
How to update included premium plugins.
Note: For the plugins you get with the theme you don’t need buyer license to use them. Since we have the extended license we give all our clients plugin updates through theme updates. There is only one license per purchase – so only we can use this license to get the updates and then share […]
Slider Revolution
Note: For the plugins you get with the theme you don’t need buyer license to use them. Since we have the extended license we give all our clients plugin updates through theme updates. There is only one license per purchase – so only we can use this license to get the updates and then share […]
Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder
Note: For the plugins you get with the theme you don’t need buyer license to use them. Since we have the extended license we give all our clients plugin updates through theme updates. There is only one license per purchase – so only we can use this license to get the updates and then share […]
WPBakery Page Builder license and Settings
Note: For the plugins you get with the theme you don’t need buyer license to use them. Since we have the extended license we give all our clients plugin updates through theme updates. There is only one license per purchase – so only we can use this license to get the updates and then share […]