4. Advanced Search

Theme Options – Search – Taxonomies Multi Selection

Starting theme version 4.20, the categories fields will support a multi-selection option in the Advanced search form.  The option for this functionality can be found in Theme Options-Search-Taxonomies Multi-Selection. The multi-selection option will work only if the option Custom Fields For Advanced Search? is set to Yes

Theme Options-Search-Advanced Search Results page

Content Properties list layout type for advanced search results page: Standard or Half Map style Properties default order in advanced search results page Properties number per page in advanced search results page The Advanced Search Results page is the page where you will be redirected when the Search button is clicked. The page needs to […]

Video tutorials about Advanced Search

Content How to create a properties search form in WpResidence (Theme Search+Search builder) How to create a Search form with Tabs  with Property Search form builder for Elementor How to create a Search form without Tabs  with Property Search form builder for Elementor How to manage custom fields for Advanced search How to manage the […]

Advanced search form builder widget for Elementor

The Property Search form builder for Elementor was added in 4.0 theme version.  The widget can be easily used to create new and attractive search forms. The widget can be found under WP Residence Widgets and can be added to the page with Drag and Drop   The widget will have the option to enable/disable […]

Theme options – Search – Advanced Search Display

  To manage the advanced search display options navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced search display. Here you have the following options: Show Advanced Search Globally (for all pages, agents, agencies, developers, articles). Options are Yes/No Show Advanced Search in Property Page (for all properties only) Options are Yes/No Show Advanced Search in […]

Theme options – Search – Advanced Search Form

To manage the advanced search form options navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced search form and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: 1. Advanced Search Type?  You can choose between 8 advanced search types, which are different in design and options. Each search type has a specific setup and design. Check the […]

Theme Options – Search – Radius Search | Geolocation Search for Half Map

Radius search with radius management (in miles or km) allows visitors to search by maps location, and to see all the properties in the radius of that location. Important: Geolocation uses Open Street Places library. The radius search option can be managed from Theme Options > Search > Geolocation Settings section where you have the following options: Use […]

Theme Options – Search – Save Search and Email Alert

You can allow visitors to save their searches and get an email alert (daily or weekly) if new properties published match their chosen search criteria. CONTENT How to Enable Save Search feature How Save search feature work How to Disable Save Search feature Save Search Cron How to Enable Save Search feature Step1: Create the […]

Theme options – Search – Advanced Search Colors

To manage the advanced search colors navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced search Colors and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: 1. Advanced Search Background Color The background will apply to the search form displayed over the header on float position. Help article for advanced search form display […]

How to setup the Advanced Search Type 1

1. Select search type 1 To setup the Search type 1  navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced Search Form and on this section select Type 1 for the Advanced Search Type option. 2. Setup the search form fields  The search form fields can be setup from Theme Options > Search > Advanced search form […]

Removed in 3.20 How to setup the Advanced Search Type 2

Select search type 2 To setup the Search type 2 navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced Search Form and on this section select Type 2 for the Advanced Search Type option. 2. Setup the search form fields for search widget, search shortcode, mobile search and half map filters  The advanced search type 2 […]

How to setup the Advanced Search Type 3

1. Select search type 3 To setup the Search type 3  navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced Search Form and on this section select Type 3 for the Advanced Search Type option. 2. Setup the search form fields  The search form fields can be setup from Theme Options > Search > Advanced search form […]

How to setup the Advanced Search types 4 and 5

The Advanced search types 4 and 5 have similar designs. The design of these search types are variations of search type 1. Advanced Search type 4 has a smaller search button and keeps the option to close the search form from Search type 1. Advanced Search type 5 has the same form design as type […]

How to setup the Advanced Search Type 6

Search type 6 supports categories as tabs. You can select which categories to show (you can use types, categories, cities, areas or states). This search allows adding different search fields for each tab and specific minim and maxim price values for each tab category. As examples, you can check search type 6 with the theme […]

How to setup the Advanced Search type 8

Advanced Search type 8 includes 2 default fields: auto-complete for the city, area, state fields + a 2nd dropdown taxonomy field All Types OR All Actions (depends on what you select as the source for the tabs – see below). 1. Select search type 8 To setup the Search type 8  navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced […]

How to setup the Advanced Search type 10

The Advanced Search type 10 allows you to find properties by typing for an Address, City, Area or State and by their type. On click, an advanced search opens and will get fields that syncs with the custom fields you add from the admin area. These search fields syncs with Ajax filters on the half […]

How to setup the Advanced Search Type 11

This search type includes by default a dedicated field for property title with 2 drop-down style fields for Categories and Types property categories. On click, the advanced search form extended opens one on it will get fields that syncs with the custom fields you add from the admin area. These search fields syncs with Ajax […]

Advanced Search Form with Custom Fields

CONTENT Enable Location Field Property ID automatically created by WordPress Property Taxonomies: City, Area, State, Type, Category Property ID manually created in theme options Country Dropdown custom field Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Rooms Beds/Baths Text Custom Field Property size and Property lot size Number custom field Property zip Date Custom Field Title Keyword Price in Advanced Search […]

Advanced Search Shortcode

Content How to add search widget with Elementor Builder How to add search shortcode with WPBakery Page Builder How to add search shortcode block in Gutenberg editor How to add search widget with Elementor Builder Install WpResidence Elementor Widgets plugin – is optional and you should install it if you want to work with Elementor Page […]

I am not redirected to advanced search results.

If the search button is not redirecting you to the search results page check the following settings: 1. Make sure Permalinks are set to Post Name Navigate to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and on this page setup Post Name and save. 2. Check if the search results page template exists. This page is included […]

How to remove Advanced Search from single blog post / property

To remove the advanced search globally from the property pages navigate to Theme options > Search > Advanced Search Display and set NO to Show Advanced Search in Property Page option. To remove the advanced search from blog posts use the below custom CSS: .single-post #search_wrapper, .single-post #adv-search-header-mobile{ display: none!important; } Help article about how […]

Technical: How to disable pagination on advanced search results/property lists

If you are using the classic template you need to go to templates/normal_map_core.php and delete this line <?php wpestate_pagination($prop_selection->max_num_pages, $range =2); ?> Is around line 294 If you are using the half_map_core delete the same code as above- around line 167 Since the property list and advanced search results use the same templates to display […]

How to add a custom Property ID field to search

Step1:  Remove the Automatic ID from front end Property Page with custom CSS. Add the below custom CSS in Theme Options > Design > Custom CSS – Help article for how to add custom CSS  #propertyid_display{ display:none; } Step2: Add a new custom field for property custom ID go to Theme options >  General > Custom fields – Help […]

Technical: How to make mobile advanced search open by default

To make mobile search open by default add this CSS in Theme options > Design > Custom Css @media only screen and (max-width: 768px){ #adv-search-mobile { display: block!important; } } Help article about how to add custom CSS Result: Tip: If you have theme cache enabled, make sure you clear cache to see instant results.