Theme Options

Theme Options – Search – Taxonomies Multi Selection

Starting theme version 4.20, the categories fields will support a multi-selection option in the Advanced search form.  The option for this functionality can be found in Theme Options-Search-Taxonomies Multi-Selection. The multi-selection option will work only if the option Custom Fields For Advanced Search? is set to Yes

Theme Options-Search-Advanced Search Results page

Content Properties list layout type for advanced search results page: Standard or Half Map style Properties default order in advanced search results page Properties number per page in advanced search results page The Advanced Search Results page is the page where you will be redirected when the Search button is clicked. The page needs to […]

How to manage Theme Options – Property Page Settings


Theme Options – Email Management – Email Settings

The emails settings can be managed from Theme Options > Email Management > Email Settings Help for Email Content section   Send emails as HTML or text You can choose the format of the emails.  If HTML has been selected then the settings in this section below will apply.  If text is selected, the below […]

Theme Options – Property Page – Lightbox

In Theme Options-Property Page-Lightbox you will find options for the property page lightbox. Show Contact Form on the lightbox If this option is set to yes, in lightbox the agent contact form will show.  For correct details, an agent needs to b assigned to the property. 2. Crop Images on lightbox Images will have the […]

Theme Options – Property page – Contact & Schedule Tour

The options for the Agent on sidebar contact form and Schedule Tour can be found in Theme Options-Property page-Contact & Schedule Tour Show Agent Contact form on Sidebar this option will enable the contact form on the property page if a sidebar is set to show on a property page. 2. Enable Direct Message? the […]

Login & Register

In WpResidence the Login & Register forms are displayed as: Modal when User login menu option is enabled from Theme Options > General > Header. On modal is also displayed an image and a message that are setup on Theme Options > Design > Header Design & Colors. Mobile Login & Register form Shortcode inside page when is used  Login & Register shortcode Login […]

Theme options – Search – Advanced Search Display

  To manage the advanced search display options navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced search display. Here you have the following options: Show Advanced Search Globally (for all pages, agents, agencies, developers, articles). Options are Yes/No Show Advanced Search in Property Page (for all properties only) Options are Yes/No Show Advanced Search in […]

Theme options – Search – Advanced Search Form

To manage the advanced search form options navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced search form and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: 1. Advanced Search Type?  You can choose between 8 advanced search types, which are different in design and options. Each search type has a specific setup and design. Check the […]

Theme Options – Search – Save Search and Email Alert

You can allow visitors to save their searches and get an email alert (daily or weekly) if new properties published match their chosen search criteria. CONTENT How to Enable Save Search feature How Save search feature work How to Disable Save Search feature Save Search Cron How to Enable Save Search feature Step1: Create the […]

How to setup the Advanced Search Type 3

1. Select search type 3 To setup the Search type 3  navigate to Theme Options > Search > Advanced Search Form and on this section select Type 3 for the Advanced Search Type option. 2. Setup the search form fields  The search form fields can be setup from Theme Options > Search > Advanced search form […]

How to setup the Advanced Search Type 6

Search type 6 supports categories as tabs. You can select which categories to show (you can use types, categories, cities, areas or states). This search allows adding different search fields for each tab and specific minim and maxim price values for each tab category. As examples, you can check search type 6 with the theme […]

Advanced Search Form with Custom Fields

CONTENT Enable Location Field Property ID automatically created by WordPress Property Taxonomies: City, Area, State, Type, Category Property ID manually created in theme options Country Dropdown custom field Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Rooms Beds/Baths Text Custom Field Property size and Property lot size Number custom field Property zip Date Custom Field Title Keyword Price in Advanced Search […]

Hubspot API CRM integration in WpResidence for all contact forms

Content How to register for an account at Hubspot How to get the Access token from Hubspot How to test this feature with a property created from the admin How to register for an account at Hubspot The first step is to register and then login into your HubSpot account. Go to the register link […]

Custom Header Media Options

Content Image header Theme Slider header Revolution slider header Map header Video Header   The theme allows you to set a global header for all pages, posts, properties, agents, taxonomies, archive pages. This is managed from Theme Options > Header Settings, but you can also set a different header type for each page. In the […]

Wire Transfer Payment Method

How to use Wire Transfer as Payment Method Navigate to Theme Options > Membership > Membership Settings and on this panel must set d the below setup: Enable Wire Transfer option Fill in the information where you wish people to send the payment And add the currency for payments if the currency you wish to […]

Stripe Setup

See which countries Stripe supports: The settings for Stripe merchant can be found in Theme Options >  Membership >  Stripe Settings. From Theme Options > Membership > Membership Settings  activate SANDBOX or LIVE and change the API if you switch from live to sandbox or the other way around: Make sure you have this […]

PayPal Setup

Important Compliance Notice: By June 30, 2018, any system that connects to PayPal via HTTPS must support TLS 1.2 or higher. To avoid any disruption of services, ensure your systems are ready. You must have a PayPal Business Account. For live transactions, you must enable SSL / https for your domain. If you use PayPal […]

Theme options – Social & Contact

CONTENT Contact Page Details Social Accounts Social Login Contact Form Contact 7 Settings Twitter Widget Contact Page Details To manage the contact page options navigate to Theme Options > Social & Contact > Contact Page details and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: All details from Contact Page Details are used […]

Theme options – Design – Header Design & Login Modal

To manage the header design and login modal options navigate to Theme Options > Design > Header Design & Colors and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: Login/Register Modal Image and Message These options apply for this modal: Header and Sticky Header Height With these options, you can change the […]

WpEstate Customer Relationship Management – CRM

WpEstate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) plugin saves all contact form messages and allows you to manage Lead Messages and Contacts from wp-admin backend AND allows individual users who register on your site as single users, agents, agencies or developers to manage their leads and contacts. The key features of WpEstate CRM are: Lists messages sent […]

Theme Options – General – Header Elements Display Options

To manage the general header options navigate to Theme Options > General > Header and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: Show top bar widget menu? Yes/No If yes you must setup the widgets you wish to show on the top bar area. Help article about how to setup topbar […]

Theme Options – General – Property Custom Fields

Content How to create property custom fields How property custom fields are displayed on the property page How to add property custom fields to submit form How to add property custom fields to advanced search form How to create property custom fields To create your property custom fields navigate to Theme options > General > […]

How to Enable / Disable breadcrumbs

To enable breadcrumbs to navigate to Theme options > Design > General Design Settings and set YES to Show Breadcrumbs option. Note: Homepage doesn’t show breadcrumbs as it’s an index page.

Theme options – Design – Property, Agent, Blog Lists Design

To manage the Property, Agent, Blog Lists Design options navigate to Theme Options > Design > Property, Agent, Blog Lists Design and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: Unit Card Type You can choose between 7 built-in property cards for properties: Default Property Card Property Card type 1 Property Card type 2 […]

Theme options – General – Price & Currency

To manage the Price & Currency options navigate to Theme Options > General > Price & Currency. Here you have the following options: Display short style price? If yes – Use indian format for price? Price number thousand separator (for properties price) Price – thousands separator Number of decimal points Decimal points separator Price currency […]

How to Enable / Disable Wp Residence Cache

The theme cache was implemented for the most used theme elements, shortcodes and widgets. You can use additionally other cache plugins for HTML, CSS because our cache doesn’t interfere with that.  Theme caches several elements, and the main focus is on the property unit used in lists (properties list, taxonomy and property shortcode), because these […]

Theme options – Design – User Dashboard Design

To manage the user dashboard design options navigate to Theme options > Design > User Dashboard Design and locate the panel below on which you have the following options: Related help Help article about how to create user dashboard pages Help article about how to create the Membership System

Theme Options – General – User Role Settings

WpResidence works with regular users, agents, agencies or developers. This help explains similarities and differences between these options – As Administrator you can manage these users in 2 ways: Create agents, agencies and developers from wp-admin dashboard manually Allow users to register as regular user, agent, agency or developer form the Register Forms of […]

How to add custom CSS

You may wish to modify some design elements and that may require using a custom css. You can add custom css in Theme Options > Design > Custom CSS. The modifications you do here are NOT overwritten when you do a theme update. If Minify css option is enabled each time you make changes with CSS, you will […]

How to work with Inbox Private Message System

In order to enable the Private Message System, you must follow the below steps: 1. Enable Private Message system To Enable the Private Message system you must navigate to Theme options > Design > Property Page > CONTACT & SCHEDULE TOUR and set up to YES to Enable the Direct Message option. 2. Check if you […]