iHomefinder Optima Express plugin compatibility means that the theme works well if you iHomefinder Optima Express. The theme will not return any errors just by using these extra options. IDX plugins are Optional and they are not required for the theme to be installed and used. About iHomefinder Optima Express plugin compatibility How IDX Plugins […]
Third Party Plugins - IDX Compatibility
Adding dsIDXpress Search to the header search in WP RESIDENCE (works with dsIDXpress properties only)
This is from a client. Please use this with caution. Here you go … you can have people use this to integrate your style Search but pull IDX Results Here is the code… Just put it in a raw html box… if they want to add other search options they can. http://wpestate.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/dsidxpress_workaround.txt Desired Location Price […]
About IDX plugin compatibility IDX plugin compatibility means that the theme works well if you add 3rd party plugins (such as dsIDXpress or Optima Express). The theme will not return any errors just by using these extra options. IDX plugins are Optional and they are not required for the theme to be installed and used. […]