Third Party Plugins - Multi Languages

WP Residence and WPML (optional plugin)

IMPORTANT – Please keep in mind that WPML is a multilanguage plugin that is paid. Must be installed and used separately from the theme. It is a solution where the admin translates manually from wp-admin. WPML support – WPMl Help documentation for WpResidence Theme – What is needed to run WPML on WP Residence WPML […]

WPML Language Switched display in top bar

Add this css in Custom CSS for horizontal selector of languages -> top bar position .top_bar .widget-container ul li { width: auto; } .wpml-ls-legacy-list-horizontal .wpml-ls-item { padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; } .wpml-ls-legacy-list-horizontal { border: 0px solid transparent; padding: 0px; }  Help article for how to add custom CSS

WPML – How to translate Recent Items Shortcode Categories Filters

Translate the categories You can manage the traslate status from WPML -> Settings -> Taxonomies Translations Translate the page from wp-admin -> Pages Edit each page in each language Clear theme cache if you use it so categories list updates from the translations made above Refresh the edit page in 2nd language and find the […]

WPML – How to translate Custom Fields

WPML documentation: Add your custom fields in theme options in default language Go to WPML Settings -> Custom Fields -> Look for your custom field lable -> Mark “translate” -> Save Go to WPML String Translation to translate the Labels. You should find several places, depending on where you use the custom fields If […]

Set WPML language for wp-admin backend

To set only 1 default language for wp-admin is a WPMl setting. Follow this help

WPML + User Roles Translated in Login Modal

Add this code in WPML->Settings->Custom XML Configuration (tab) for the user roles translations to show in all WPML languages <wpml-config>     <admin-texts>         <key name=”wpresidence_admin”>             <key name=”*” /></key>     </admin-texts> </wpml-config>

Weglot Multi Language Plugin and Stripe and Paypal payments

PayPal and Stripe merchants require that the processor payment page is unique. This cannot be translated to other pages. For payments to work in other languages you must exclude these 2 pages from translation. How: Use the Exclude URL feature (WordPress Dashboard > Weglot)   Add http://yourdomain.coml/stripe-processor/ in the list. Check that this url is exact permalink name of […]

Weglot Custom CSS for Language Dropdown

How to use custom css – ul { display: block; background-color: white; max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; visibility: visible!important; opacity: 1!important; margin-left: 0px!important; padding-top: 0px!important; width: 169px!important; } .wgcurrent a { padding-right: 60px!important; }

Multi Language 3rd Party Recommended Solutions

Weglot: Plugin type: Paid Weglot is really easy to work with, doesn’t need to translate anything besides the labels and shows all bookings/properties in all languages without any hassle. You get bookings synced automatically which WPML cannot do unless you translate manually and that is the biggest plugin of all. Register for an account: […]

WPML – How to NOT translate properties

In WPML – Multilingual content setup you see that for Property post type it is set to translate. If you don’t wish to translate Properties you can change this option from wpml-config.xml And you have to set 0 instead of one to not translate. <custom-type translate=”0″>estate_property</custom-type>

WPML – Translate Features & Amenities

For new strings (like custom fields, features and amenities) to register – you must have the option to register new strings on.  We recommend to keep it only when you’re logged in as admin as this is a setting that will slow down your site if used on limited servers. Also, since 3.0 version new […]

WPML – How to translate custom post slug

WPML may change settings during plugin updates. If the below settings are not as in the screenshot, please confirm with WPML support how to translate the slug for custom post type. For sure it’s possible as it was working when WPML provided help instructions below. About the permalinks, you can translate the permalinks for the […]

WPML – how to translate email notifications To send emails in a 2nd language, please see below. There are 2 strings for the emails. The one that is sent to user is the one you see with wpestate_email in front The other one, with no function name in string translation, was used BEFORE we added Email Management, and it doesn’t apply […]

WPML – set pins to work for all languages

You must follow all these steps: a. In all your taxonomy translation follow this rule – Titles must match slugs.  Edit slugs from Category – Edit Category if WPMl doesn’t allow you to edit the slugs from their settings. b. Add Pins to action + category combination in every language. Switch language from top bar. […]