Theme offers 2 expiration features, both available only when MEMBERSHIP submission is enabled:
paid membership packages with expiration date by package, or free listing submission with expiration in days for each published free listing.
The following rules must be met for expiration cron to apply:
1. You test with a subscriber account (not admin). We have special rules for admin.
2. Enable membership
3. Set a free expiration for each free listing or setup paypal to buy a paid package that expires –
If these settings are done correctly and expiration still doesn’t happen, it’s possible the wordpress crons didn’t setup in your installation and they need to be activated. Sometimes a wordpress re-install from wp-admin is needed and there are also wordpress plugins to check and activate wordpress cron (although this normally happens automatically on theme install, on some servers it may need manual trigger).
Since this is difficult to advise without seeing your website, please open a ticket in our support system – with your site wp-admin url, and your account that you test with (should be subscriber user, not administrator).