
Translate the theme to a different language

Language Included The WP Residence theme offers human translations and machine translations. If you would like to contribute and improve the existing translations, we appreciate the help. You can send us the translations in client support and we will make sure they are listed in the next theme update. Content Install WpResidence Child Theme […]

Rename theme words with Loco Translate Plugin

Content Rename with Loco Translate Plugin How to backup and upload custom translations with Loco Translate In order to rename theme words, you can use the Loco Translate plugin.  With the Loco Translate plugin, you can rename the words/labels that come by default in the theme. The changes need to apply in 2 places: themes/wpresidence-child/languages/wpresidence.po […]

What Details are translated from Theme Options

CONTENT Property Details Property Categories Property Fields Property Custom Fields 1. Property Details These labels are managed from Theme Options > General  > Listing labels. You must add labels in your language. 2. Property Categories If the demo is imported, then the demo categories will be saved and you can rename them by going to […]

Update .po translation after a theme update

CONTENT Update with Loco Translate Update with POEDIT When a new theme version is released/updated, the translation .po must be updated as well to find the new terms added.  The translations file from the theme and from WPResidence Core functionality plguins will need to be updated. 1. Update the po file with the Loco translate […]

Rename theme words with POEDIT.

You can change WP RESIDENCE default text with POEdit. Poedit helps modifying English terms by replacing them with your English terms (like Zip to Postcode and so on). This help will show the steps that you need to take.  The changes can be done in the main Theme or Child Theme. !!! If you make the changes in […]