In order to rename theme words, you can use the Loco Translate plugin. With the Loco Translate plugin, you can rename the words/labels that come by default in the theme.
The changes need to apply in 2 places:
- themes/wpresidence-child/languages/wpresidence.po
- plugins/wpresidence-core/languages/wpresidence-core.po
Rename the labels in Theme langugae file
Step 1 Install Loco Translate plugin from admin>Plugins>Add new
Step 2 Install Child theme, this step is not necessary but we recommend doing it so you would not lose the changes on the theme update
Help article on how to install the Child theme
Step 3 Select the site language in Settings-General
Step 4 Go to Loco Translate – Themes, select Child theme and select add New language or use an existing language from child theme
Usually, this process applies for changing English words so the language file that will need to be amended is English (United States)
Step 5 Look for the label that you need to change, add new word and Save
Rename the words in WpResidence Core plugin languages files
Step 1 Go to Loco Translate – Plugins- Wpresidence -Theme Core Functionality
Step 2 Add a new language or edit English language file,
Step 3 Look for the label that you need to change, add a new word, and Save
How to backup and upload custom translations with Loco Translate
Before starting a theme update, you can backup your custom translations, especially those you make in Plugins/WpResidence-Core/Languages folder
These are the steps
1. Find and Download the .po from Loco Translate
2. Upload your backup po
You can repeat this for any translation from theme, theme child theme, or plugins