The property page is displayed using the single-estate_property.php file.
On the property page you can pick between two types : horizontal and vertical.
You can set a global slider value (to be applied on all listings) or you can pick one per page. This is the code that loads the slider:
if ($local_pgpr_slider_type_status=='global'){
$prpg_slider_type_status= esc_html ( get_option('wp_estate_global_prpg_slider_type','') );
}elseif($local_pgpr_slider_type_status=='vertical') {
*** the horizontal slider is in templates/listingslider.php while the vertical slider is in templates/listingslider-vertical.php
The property page has 2 main formats – accordion and tabs. This is the code that loads one of the version:
$local_pgpr_content_type_status = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'local_pgpr_content_type', true);
if($local_pgpr_content_type_status =='global'){
$global_prpg_content_type_status= esc_html ( get_option('wp_estate_global_prpg_content_type','') );
get_template_part ('/templates/property_page_tab_content');
get_template_part ('/templates/property_page_acc_content');
}elseif ($local_pgpr_content_type_status =='tabs') {
get_template_part ('/templates/property_page_tab_content');
get_template_part ('/templates/property_page_acc_content');
The property page tab content is in templates/property_page_tab_content.php while the accordion is in /templates/property_page_acc_content.php
The next block in this file is the one that loads or not the sidebar agent – adds the agent card on the sidebar
$sidebar_agent_option_value= get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sidebar_agent_option', true);
$enable_global_property_page_agent_sidebar= esc_html ( get_option('wp_estate_global_property_page_agent_sidebar','') );
if ( $sidebar_agent_option_value=='global' ){
get_template_part ('/templates/agent_area');
}else if($sidebar_agent_option_value !=’yes’){
get_template_part (‘/templates/agent_area’);
And in the end we have the similar listing block
get_template_part ('/templates/similar_listings');
The actual content page
As explained before the property page tab content is in templates/property_page_tab_content.php while the accordion is in /templates/property_page_acc_content.php.
In both of these file the content is displayed using various functions . For ex in property_page_acc_content.php we have
wpestate_energy_save_features($post->ID); / / show energy details
estate_listing_address($post->ID); // - shows address details
estate_listing_details($post->ID); // - show property details (default and custom fields)
estate_listing_features($post->ID); // show property Features and Amenities
wpestate_virtual_tour_details($post->ID); // show Virtual Tour
wpestate_walkscore_details($post->ID); // show walkscore for property
estate_floor_plan($post->ID); //- show floor plans
wpestate_yelp_details($post->ID); // - show yelp details
wpestate_show_stat_accordion(); // -show Page Views Statistics
All the above functions are located in libs/listing_functions.php
Ex: Duplicate Energy Class
The code is in wpresidence/libs/listing_functions.php