Help made for for version 2.07
First you need to go into wpresidence-core plugin / admin/ options-init.php file and around line 225 you have
$measure_array = array(
esc_html__('ft','wpresidence-core' ) => esc_html__('square feet - ft2','wpresidence-core' ),
esc_html__('m','wpresidence-core' ) => esc_html__('square meters - m2','wpresidence-core' ),
esc_html__('ac','wpresidence-core' ) => esc_html__('acres - ac','wpresidence-core' ),
esc_html__('yd','wpresidence-core' ) => esc_html__('square yards - yd2','wpresidence-core' ),
esc_html__('ha','wpresidence-core' ) => esc_html__('hectares - ha','wpresidence-core' ),
);array( 'name' => __('hectares','wpestate'), 'unit' => __('ha','wpestate'), 'is_square' => 1 )
add another element in that array
After that go into theme admin , and pick the new measurement unit you just added.
The default units come with a 2 at the end . If you want to remove this you will need to remove the string ‘ <sup>2</sup>’ in the following places
help_functions line 1723,1725,3961,3985,4148
word_remove line 112
A line like this one
print ' '.$measure_sys.'<sup>2</sup> '.__(' (*only numbers)','wpestate');
should become
print ‘ ‘.$measure_sys.”.__(‘ (*only numbers)’,’wpestate’);