The agent page is displayed by the file single-estate_agent.php . In this page there are 3 main components:
The agent details which is located in templates/agentdetails.php
Here we display the agent details like phone, skype etc. The details are saved as custom meta for the estate_agent custom post type. They are retried using get_post_meta
$agent_phone = esc_html( get_post_meta($post->ID, 'agent_phone', true) );
The contact form located in templates/agent_contact.php
In this page we check if the the contact form is a contact 7 one and we display the right contact form. The WPResidence contact form email is sent via ajax when the button with id=”agent_submit” is pressed.
The Contact 7 buttons are displayed via code like
The agent listings code is located in templates/agent_listings.php
In this file we do a wp_query that search for all properties assingned to the respective agent. The key element for this query is this portion of the $args array
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'property_agent',
'value' => $agent_id,
If you need additiona details about how this is done you should read the meta query section from official documentation :