Please check if you have one of these situations:
Cache for Google maps is on
If you set YES to Use Cache for Google maps ? option from Theme options > Map > Map Settings you need to wait 3 hours to see the pin.
Read from file is enabled
You enabled read from file yes (google maps readings) and you must wait 24 hours to see all pins or click generate pins button.
Help article about how read from file works
Categories/Actions names added or edited
Theme default pins are offered in the theme pack in .png format, retina, and non-retina format.
- IMPORTANT: When you edit/add default categories and actions, you’ll need to upload new Pins even if you don’t use Google Maps as header media. For speed reasons pins are mandatory.
Help article for how to add regular pins and retina pinsAll speed recommendations –
- Mandatory size is 44 px x 50 px
The theme default pins are listed in this folder in theme pack (download “ALL FILES AND DOCUMENTATION” from theme forest, unzip, and you will see this file)
Add pin for each category, action
And for every category and action combined.
Multiple categories selection
You selected multiple categories for a property. Pins are built only for 1 category, 1 action or 1 category + 1 action. If you add multiple categories for 1 property, the first alphabetical category + action combination is attached to the property.
Help article about property taxonomies