Here’s how to create a custom header and footer with Elementor Free version in WpResidence theme
Install the WpResidence Elementor Design Studio plugin
Activate the plugin
Access the Header and Footer Builder from WpResidence Studio Templates or Theme Options
From WordPress admin panel find the WpResidence Elementor Design Studio
Click on Add New WpResidence Studio Template
We have a direct interface you can access in WpResidence Theme Options
Steps to create a New Header / Footer
Add the Template Name
Select Template Type
The Header template creates a header and replaces the default WpResidence Header based on the Display Location Settings.
Available Templates are listed below.
They automatically replace the theme default Header / Footer sections.
- Before Header: Adds content before the custom Elementor header
- After Header: Adds content after the custom Elementor header
- Footer: Replaces WpResidence Default Footer with the custom footer you design in this tool
- Before Footer: Adds content before the custom Elementor footer
- After Footer: Adds content after the custom Elementor footer
Set Display Locations
You can choose to display the custom header and footer templates on posts, pages and categories
Display options are:
- Entire Website: The custom header / footer shows on all pages.
- Front Page: The custom header / footer shows only on homepage.
- 404 Page: The custom header / footer shows only on 404 Page Template
- Specific posts: You show different headers / footers for Posts, Pages, Agents, Agencies, Developers, Properties.
- Specific Taxonomies (categories): You can show different headers / footers for specific categories.
Design Header / Footer
Use the Edit With Elementor button to design your custom header / footer
Elementor offers a drag-and-drop interface featuring a variety of widgets and settings, allowing you to customize your header’s layout, content, and style.