There are 2 types of user menu – both are generated by the same function wpestate_generate_user_menu().
The function is located in libs/dashboard_functions.php – function wpestate_generate_user_menu at line 1429.
The top menu is in templates/user_menu.php . It uses the wpestate_generate_user_menu to show the menu
<div class="user_tab_menu"> <ul class="user_dashboard_links"> <?php wpestate_generate_user_menu(); ?> </ul> </div>
The menu on right part (appears when you click the picture or submit property ).
This menu is located in templates/top_user_menu.php
The “Submit Property” (when the user is not logged in) and the user image (when the user is logged in) can be found around line 15 .
<?php if(is_user_logged_in()){ ?> <div class="user_menu user_loged" id="user_menu_u"> <a class="menu_user_tools dropdown" id="user_menu_trigger" data-toggle="dropdown"> <a class="navicon-button x"> <div class="navicon"></div> </a> <div class="menu_user_picture" style="background-image: url('<?php print $user_small_picture[0]; ?>');"></div> <?php }else{ ?> <div class="user_menu" id="user_menu_u"> <a class="menu_user_tools dropdown" id="user_menu_trigger" data-toggle="dropdown"> <a class="navicon-button x"> <div class="navicon"></div> </a> <div class="submit_action"><?php _e('Submit Property','wpestate');?></div> <?php } ?>
In there we do a check to see if the user is logged in.
if ( 0 != $current_user->ID && is_user_logged_in() ) {
if yes we show the user dashboard links , if no we show the login & register forms.
The show/hide functionality is made via javascript in control.js around line 1050
$('#user_menu_u').click(function(event){ if( $('#user_menu_open').is(":visible")){
We also check for WooCommerce and enable the the show cart via
if( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ){ $wpestate_global_payments->show_cart(); }