The WPResidence has 2 buttons that becomes visible when you scroll the page. One of these buttons is a contact button.
When you press the button a contact form is appearing. The contact form is displayed via a javascript event that is in control.js
$('.contact-box ').click(function(event){
*** the contact form is already inserted into the page (the code is in footer_buttons.php ) but hidden via CSS ( class hidden from bootstrap).
After the contact form appears, you fill it with details, and you want to send the message by pressing the send button. The message is sent via ajax actions.
The javascript event for this is at control.js, while the PHP function that sends the email is wpestate_ajax_agent_contact_form() in plugins/wpresidence-core/misc/emailfunctions.php (please note that since 4.7.1 this function will be used by all contact forms)
How to hide the button
Hide the contact button with custom css
.contact-box { display: none; }
You can add custom CSS in Theme Options – Design – Custom CSS. The modifications you do here are NOT overwritten when you update a theme.
Add the custom css and SAVE
IMPORTANT! Must Clear theme cache to can see changes on site front end.