All theme files call a sidebar orientation function in the begining. The function is called ‘page_details’ , is defined in functions.php and return an array with custom values for that particular page. It can have information about sidebar orientation, content width or other useful classes.
There also several custom post defined. These custom posts are memebership packages defined in libs/memebership.php,invoices defined in libs/invoices.php, are agent defined in libs/agents.php and property defined in property.php. For agent and property custom post types there is a “single” page that show the content for one of these entries. The files are single-estate_agent.php for agent and single-estate_property.php for property.
These 2 custom post type have also a “listing” template. To agent list is in the agent_list.php file while the property list is in property_list.php . Since the property custom post type has several taxonimies there is also a taxonomy file called taxonomy.php
The file for admin are libs/theme-admin.php. All the widgets are defined in the folder libs/widgets.