- Change date format for Schedule a showing option
You need to edit js/ajaxcalls.js and at line 2770 http://prntscr.com/urswrs you have dateFormat : “yy-mm-dd”,
Replace the “yy-mm-dd” with your date format
For the attached image – go into membership.php, function wpestate_get_pack_data_for_user_top at line 170. In that function look for
$expired_date = date(‘Y-m-d’,$expired_date); at line 212
The front_end_submission.php is in templates folder .
Also look for similar instruction in wp-content/plugins/wpresidence-core/post-types/memberhisp.php file.
Go into libs/stats.php and you have there date(‘m-d-Y’, time() ) for 2 times at line 15 and 94
Change the date format by replacing the string ‘m-d-Y’
This change will apply only for new dates.
- Change date format in blog post unit
To change date format must be changed date format (‘M d, Y’) in below PHP files:
- Change date format in date custom fields
To change date format must be changed date format yy-dd-mm in libs/help_functions.php file.
This change will apply only for new dates. For old dates must be edited all properties date custom fields and then saved with new date format.